Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Old couch Project Ongoing

Just thought I would post the first upholstery project I did a couple of years ago.  This was a rabbit hole. Everything was wrong with this one, wood repair, fabric choice,  lots of jerry rigging.   I took the fabric off and it turned it was holding the couch together.  I learned a lot though.

It was confusing to stitch on the spring at first but once I figured it out I rolled throught it.

Pretty sweet.

Still have to sew the cushion, but it turned out nice.  I love the fabric my wife chose now it looks sweet on the couch.


  1. Now that I know the story behind this beautiful couch I feel even worse about Ella getting toothpaste all over it. Ugh!

  2. I don't feel bad about it. Maybe you should not have made something so nice that my daughter could later ruin.

  3. I didn't remember the toothpaste thing really, so you all owe me big. And in repayment I will take you all coming here for another visit. I am unwilling to budge on this, oh and some gin.

  4. Fair enough. You drive a hard bargain, Merrick.

  5. Very Cool... I love fixing up old things. =)
