Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Wine I Enjoy

Let me just start off by saying I don't know anything about wine.  My two categories of wine are usually suck and doesn't suck.  Boom Boom obviously falls in the doesn't suck column.  I found out about this one from my friend Eric, my on call wine guy.  We drank it with some cheese and sausage.  I usually try to keep it under 10 dollars but I spent 15 on this one, and it was worth it.

Charles Smith makes the wine in Washington State.  I guess he is some ex-rocker.  The labels are pretty cool.  Click on the picture above for more info.


  1. Um, not that I need credit, but I gave you guys a bottle of that like last year. But yeah, Eric is cool too. ;)

  2. Lex just remembered because she probably drank it all and didn't leave me any. typical. haha.

    That and I steal all my good ideas from you, Reba.
